Seed Beds – The Process Page

While developing this project I have been aware that with every step I go deeper into a process. The process is Thinking through Making The process has become a practical pedagogical tool

Identify and establish the limitations

Select a few ingredients

Establish a rule or set of rules

Organise and prepare the work area

Have some tools, props, materials to hand

Have enough time

Do not spend any time searching for an idea

The starting point is not an idea

The starting point is irrelevant

Start by fiddling with something, anything

Let energy generate momentum

Work with energy only

Your brain will want to help, let it help but don’t allow it to interfere, never allow it to lead

Strive for momentum

Strive for what feels good

Keep doing whatever feels good

Focus only on how it feels

Perfect the feeling

Perfect the doing – do it well – not badly, clumsily, sloppily or lazily

The momentum will subside

When it does – stop

Look at what you have done

Does it make you laugh, cry, dance, howl…?

Does it feel risky, dangerous and uncomfortable?

You are somewhere new

Enjoy not knowing where you are

Enjoy being lost

Repeat the same thing – the action, the rule, the process

Add something new

Don’t judge the process

Don’t judge what is evolving

Reflect lightly not deeply

Keep everything light

Keep moving




At some point you will know when it is time to stop, step back and look at what is emerging

Identify a similarity, a constant or a pattern

Notice what has grown stronger and deeper than other things

Don’t judge it

Allow it

Dig into it

Explore it

Wander into it

At some point it will lead

Let it lead you

You don’t get to chose it, it choses you

Follow it

Keep following it

With care, precision, exactness, respect and loyalty

Find meaning

Make meaning

Find connections

Make connections

You have a practice

Keep practicing it

Let curiosity lead

Imagine the thing in your dream gallery, space, event…