Exhibition – Oriel Davies Gallery Two
Crossed Paths launched at the Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown on 21st April 2018, it ran 6 weeks until 13th June 2018.
Gallery Two presented a contextual exhibition comprised of 8 series of photographs by Hannah Mann, 8 texts by Phil Smith, 8 poems by Zoe Skoulding, 8 GPS line map drawings from each of the 8 sections that I crawled, a 6 minute documentary film titled Woolly Maggot by Rhys Thwaites – Jones of Fforest Films, an audio – scape discussion on 2 sets of battery operated individual headphones, 8 plant drawings by the Whall family including my late father Dick Whall, descriptions of the plants by Dr Mariecia Fraser, vinyl floor text and a selection of organic samples ‘turves’ taken from the upland landscape through which I crawled.
Photographs by Keith Morris