Field Trip
On the 26th May 2018 Dr Mariecia Fraser and John Davies from the Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre and Phil Smith contributed to a field trip. I lead 14 participants along the route of my crawl beginning at the trig point at Pen y Garn (611m) and ending at the Pwllpeiran centre. At each of the 8 points where I began my crawls we stopped and gathered to listen to readings from some of my blog posts, Phil Smith contributed a series of evocative gestures which the group were asked collectively to engage with and read his very powerful texts from my book, Mariecia introduced plants species and John talked generally about the land managed by Pwllpeiran, three participants wore my sheep fleece and knee pads and experienced crawling and everyone was given a Go pro camera, I also played the 8 musical compositions from portable speakers dispersed amongst the group, perched on gateposts and balanced on rocks. The walk was concluded with refreshments at the centre. The walk didn’t go entirely to plan, it took much longer than I anticipated and so we ended the walk sooner than planned but it was a wonderful day blessed by warm winds and sun and a throughly engaged group of fascinating enthusiastic people.